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Intercultural Language Education and Globalisation:

 Current Practice and Trends ─ International Specialist Seminar


This event, organized by the Budapest Business School, took place on 16-17 June 2016. It brought together educators involved in teaching intercultural communication in higher education context.

Participants had the opportunity to:

  • present their own innovative practices

  • share experience and research findings in changing technological and institutional contexts

  • analyse, discuss and evaluate the first outputs created in the framework of the ICCAGE project

  • network for further cooperation


The Seminar has been a memorable event for the host institution. The organisers would like to thank all the participants for their active contribution to the success of the event. We are happy that we had 98 registered participants from Hungary, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, the United States, Finland, Great Britain and Poland. 


The full program is available on the homepage of Budapest Business School, where the presentations can be downloaded using the password sent to all the participants. The Posters for ICC educational materials created in the ICCAGE PROJECT and presented at the seminar are accessible here. We have also put on the Padlet page of the preliminary questions formulated by the participants the additional answers Michael Byram had the kindness to send us after the session.


Please find here some of the photos taken at the Seminar and the feedback of the participants. 



Thanks to the funding by the Erasmus+ KA2 Programme, there was no registration fee for the seminar. 



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